Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care or home care allows you or your loved one to benefit from Generations Care full-time care in the environment where you are most comfortable; at home. For many people it is important to stay in their own, familiar surroundings near to friends and family. At the same time, retaining your independence may also be very important to you but that can also mean you need a little extra help.

Domiciliary care can often be the perfect solution to getting a little help whilst retaining a good level of personal freedom. A carer visits you in your own home and helps you with any daily activities you cannot safely manage on your own which may include getting dressed, washing, bathing/showering, getting in or out of bed, eating, drinking, taking medication, household chores, toileting and companionship. How often they visit you and for how long each visit lasts, depends upon your individual person-centred care needs and requirements.

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